My Rules:
Will do:
- Yuri, Yaoi, Hetero
Won't do:
- Hardcore fetishes such as gore, inflation, vore, etc.
- Foot fetish
- Hardcore rape
- Underage characters (don't even ask me about this, big no no for me)
- Anything that breaks WH rules.

Blog Posts by Skadoopy

Added: 2019-03-14 21:04:07
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Hey guys! I have a question for you on a situation I'm in. So these past four days I've been out of town and I didn't have my laptop with me. Apparently while I was away I was chosen for a commission and it was due the day before I got back home. I probably fucked up on the part that says when I could start working on it since I think I put my bid in for it like the night before I left town and was in a hurry. Anyway, it looks like I can still submit a file for the commission even though I'm past my due date, but I don't know how much longer I have or how that works as this has never happened to me before. I can try to get it done as soon as I can but I don't want to do a rush job and disappoint my commissioner.

How long will I have to get the commission done and is there a way to extend the submission date?
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2019-03-14 21:09:15

    it all depends on the client,after the deadline expires, he or she receives a notification possibility whether to withdraw the order, talk to him best, how much time he can give

  • 2019-03-15 22:15:43

    Okay, thank you so much Chomek!! That makes me very relieved to know haha.

Added: 2019-02-20 09:26:34
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Decided to draw Rangiku Matsumoto as she won the most votes from my last poll! I hope you guys like me experimenting with ahegao on her. I thought it was fun haha.

Still got three more girls I would like to draw, all from the same show (well, a hentai) because Taimanin Asagi has some beautiful characters and I want to draw them all. So help me decide again? ;)

SIDE NOTE: If you would like me to try ahegao again too, let me know in the comments, I will see what I can do! :)

Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2019-02-18 21:52:40
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Trying to get into drawing "ahegao" faces, as I find it interesting. Some people really find it hot, I guess to a certain degree I might too in some cases.

What are your guys's opinions on ahegao?

Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2019-02-19 01:49:31

    Ahegao faces 4 the win!!! This is when the girl gets to the climax, what is there not to love xD

  • 2019-02-19 02:50:02

    Exactly! I like seeing that she's having a good time too ;)

  • 2019-02-23 17:22:50

    They are fine, but sometimes they are a turn off, too much blank eyes makes them resemble some kind of ****** to me. However that's my personal taste of course, not meaning I wont draw them if a clients wants them. But you wont see them in my personal work very often.

Added: 2019-02-15 11:52:46
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Getting back into drawing again, so I thought I would share my newest upload! I wanted to draw one of the most beautiful characters in any hentai series, Hell Knight Ingrid (my personal opinion of course, I dig her tan skin and pink hair ;) ) the sexy warrior. Hopefully my drawing did her justice.

I want to have more input from you guys though. Most of the time I'm not good at deciding who I want to draw lewds of, and I need to build up my profile on here and keep improving. So I'm going to post a poll and have you guys vote for who you'd like to see me draw! Note the drawings will probably look similar to Ingrid (though different poses, being singular nude poses).

So help me decide who to draw please? :)

Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2019-02-15 20:08:31

    please draw murasaki from the taimain series

  • 2019-02-15 23:27:55

    Ohhh yeah I almost forgot, she's really cute too!

Added: 2019-02-07 09:37:30
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Hey guys, I've been gone for a few months now but I'm back. I wanted to take the time to explain my absence. I basically lost my job and was kicked out by my parents...for a few weeks I was essentially living in secret at my boyfriend's dorm. Yeah, not a great situation. In the meantime my parents have let me come back home, even though it's still a toxic situation as it has always I've basically been working my ass off to try and save up enough to move out, as well as pay off the last of some medical bills that were making everything suck 10x more. Now I think I might actually be able to get out of my current living situation, so thus I am also returning here!

I'm sorry for disappearing for as long as I have without a word. Hopefully this explains what happened to me. Just wanted to say that I'm back, I know I have people to be working with and I hope that I can start getting back to drawing soon. Thanks for understanding and I hope you guys all have a great day. :)
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2019-02-07 09:57:45

    strange situation, but it could have been worse

  • 2019-02-09 11:49:02

    Agreed. I'm glad my parents came around in the end and despite everything, even if they hadn't let me come back home, I still love them. It still is just a hard situation for me though...that's just the consequence of living in a very religious household unfortunately. :/

Added: 2018-10-30 22:00:36
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Halloween is tomorrow and I'm so excited! It's my favorite holiday, mostly because I love horror and it's an excuse to dress up. Also candy. Do you guys have any fun plans for the occasion, or even some Halloween themed pictures you want to share with me? Tell me about it! :)
Discussion: (18 comments)
  • 2018-10-30 22:24:07

    I was supposed to go to Krakow, but I will stay at home, Because my ex girlfriend is going there And I do not want her to think I'm following her or something :/

  • 2018-10-30 22:39:58

    I do have plan To skip school tomorow and draw something that needs to be done for long time(Gothic Sarada Uchiha Picture)... + I also have the Violet Parr Picture that shall be posted any moment right now

  • 2018-10-30 22:40:51

    Krakow... thats Poland aint it? If Im right Were Neighbours - Im from Czech Republic

  • 2018-10-30 23:43:34

    RoyHaynner I know about this neighbor ;D

  • 2018-10-31 00:00:24

    Well I do have quite a short memory

  • 2018-10-31 00:00:45

    SKADOOPY what about ya? any Plans?

  • 2018-10-31 00:33:01

    Probabily going to the academy, they want to do some small party at class. Altought Im going to work there rather than partying.

  • 2018-10-31 02:52:07

    I'm editing a speech for college, and probably gonna procrastinate and watch whatever horror film I can find.

  • 2018-10-31 05:29:49

    I'm gonna ***** tea while sat on the sofa scratching my balls like any true brit ?

  • 2018-10-31 10:26:41

    @RoyHaynner I saw that! It looks great :) You have a very smooth style. As for my plans I'm going to be spending the day with my boyfriend and his roommates, playing board games and watching scary movies :D

  • 2018-10-31 18:48:23

    I haven't celebrated Halloween since 4th grade back in 2004.

  • 2018-10-31 19:07:36

    Its not a Hollyday in Czech republic sadly...
    Skadoopy sounds like fun, even tho I can relate more with Blinx1287 plan

    And thanks- you do have quite nice drawings too- theres bit of work yet to be made on colloring... its strange comparing it to your older picture the shading looks bit rushed- like zazas and Faenari does have that scheme... but Machi and Belona looks like if you forgot add the shadows- the skin does look flat...
    Sorry I feel like a dick thanking you for nice words and criticizing you... You do have nice faces and honestly amazing colouring on hairs

  • 2018-11-01 03:58:42

    I got to be a disgruntled Walmart employee does that count? Aside from that we got some actual legit pizza today thanks to work treating us to it.

  • 2018-11-01 05:56:36

    Pizza! I wanna change my plans and relate more to Zattou! Ill get some on way from school- and later probably return to Blinx1287 and scratch my balls at evening :D

  • 2018-11-01 23:00:50

    @RoyHaynner Oh not at all! I appreciate the critique! Yeah I have some things to figure out on coloring still, and trying to get the skin to have more shape. Any advice on how I could get that to pop? :)

  • 2018-11-01 23:06:56

    Gimme sec

  • 2018-11-01 23:16:00

    this does show how I did it... I do have still the same technique, just more layers

  • 2018-11-01 23:18:06

    Icant believe its year since I drawed that... lol- Skadoopy what about colaboration ? I can send you line for colouring or you can send one to me... I did sended PM to ya

Added: 2018-10-05 04:49:43
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
Hey guys! Normally I hate making posts like these but lately I'm trying to get as much work to come my way as possible.
Due to some health issues I've been having lately that make it hard for me to physically be at my job, I haven't been getting enough hours. I'm also a bit fucked at the moment because said health issues have caused me to get in some financial problems. Just having a really tough time right now.
So if you're looking to commission someone, I ask you to give my gallery a glance and see if I can create something you would like. It'd really help me out!
I don't have that big of an nsfw gallery but I'm slowly and steadily building it up. My style tends to change between subjects, so if there is a particular style I went with in one picture you like specifically, feel free to specify with me. I've got 3 requests open at the moment, or if you want to commission something specific, I'd really appreciate the business!

Thanks guys :)
(Also if anyone knows a way to gain more of a following and get more commissions, I'd really love the insight >.>)
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2018-10-05 16:43:01

    hope you will get better. and your gallery and works are good. keep drawing

  • 2018-10-05 23:22:59

    Thank you :) That really means a lot!

  • 2018-10-06 09:34:50

    And do not be sad if anyone give bad comments to your works. Need help to draw anythink, just ask. Shall help if iI can.

  • 2018-10-06 13:05:17

    Will do :) Yeah after drawing for as many years as I have I've learned to deal with hate haha. Thank you so much for your support!

  • 2018-10-06 14:20:26

    your welcome

Added: 2018-09-26 09:43:56
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
I don't know who to draw so I'm going to let you guys help me decide.
I want to draw some of my favorite ships bonezoning and ehh...I don't know who to pick. Scene will be sweet and steamy because I'm a romantic lil' fluff.

So tell me, what would you guys like to see?
(Feel free to suggest others as well, maybe I'll include the ship in my next poll!)

Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2018-09-24 23:04:46
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
I'm curious about the community on this site. From what I have gathered (and as would be assumed from a porn site) most people here straight males. And being a bisexual female, I'm wondering if I'm alone on here or not. So here's a poll to test that!

What is your gender and orientation?

Discussion: (8 comments)
  • 2018-09-24 23:20:19

    Surprise, you are not the only one XD

  • 2018-09-25 00:21:15

    Yay! I have found a sister! :D

  • 2018-09-25 02:42:34

    As if it were a Sadomasochism tag XD

  • 2018-09-25 05:34:42

    I miss the times when I had a gf and I could yell YOU'RE FUCKING A WHITE MALE to cheer her up whenever she wasn't feeling well x) (if you don't get the reference, shame on your booberoos!)

  • 2018-09-25 06:50:20

    Hahahahahaha my boyfriend and I make jokes like that to each other all the time, he's Asian and I'm white so most of the time it's him doing it to me lmao.

  • 2018-09-25 13:39:34

    All my fellow women are bisexual! Nice to see it this, I love polls and getting to know people

  • 2018-09-25 21:51:32

    Me too! :) Wonderful gallery btw ^^

  • 2018-09-26 17:16:03

    Lilac - duh, bi girls are the best :D

Added: 2018-09-23 08:10:33
# Link to the post in Skadoopy's Blog
New artist here and looking to figure out how to use this site and fill requests for people! I'm going to put up some of my work to show y'all my style. Anyone who wants to help me get started or is interested in maybe commissioning me or seeing me draw something specific, please shoot me a message. Always looking to make friends. :)
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2018-09-23 09:05:15

    I am waiting when I see your drawings

  • 2018-09-23 09:22:35

    I can show you some of my drawings in dm's, or if you know if there's a way to upload things to my gallery to show some of my drawings as reference that would be really helpful!

  • 2018-09-23 11:33:33

    I'm not an artist, but probably on the menu upload files

  • 2018-09-23 11:41:19

    Oh Christ I didn't even notice that XD Haha, I'm dumb. Thank you!

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All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.