2019-03-14 21:09:15
it all depends on the client,after the deadline expires, he or she receives a notification possibility whether to withdraw the order, talk to him best, how much time he can give
2019-03-15 22:15:43
Okay, thank you so much Chomek!! That makes me very relieved to know haha.
2019-02-19 01:49:31
Ahegao faces 4 the win!!! This is when the girl gets to the climax, what is there not to love xD
2019-02-19 02:50:02
Exactly! I like seeing that she's having a good time too ;)
2019-02-23 17:22:50
They are fine, but sometimes they are a turn off, too much blank eyes makes them resemble some kind of ****** to me. However that's my personal taste of course, not meaning I wont draw them if a clients wants them. But you wont see them in my personal work very often.
2019-02-15 20:08:31
please draw murasaki from the taimain series
2019-02-15 23:27:55
Ohhh yeah I almost forgot, she's really cute too!
2019-02-07 09:57:45
strange situation, but it could have been worse
2019-02-09 11:49:02
Agreed. I'm glad my parents came around in the end and despite everything, even if they hadn't let me come back home, I still love them. It still is just a hard situation for me though...that's just the consequence of living in a very religious household unfortunately. :/
2018-10-30 22:24:07
I was supposed to go to Krakow, but I will stay at home, Because my ex girlfriend is going there And I do not want her to think I'm following her or something :/
2018-10-30 22:39:58
I do have plan To skip school tomorow and draw something that needs to be done for long time(Gothic Sarada Uchiha Picture)... + I also have the Violet Parr Picture that shall be posted any moment right now
2018-10-30 22:40:51
Krakow... thats Poland aint it? If Im right Were Neighbours - Im from Czech Republic
2018-10-30 23:43:34
RoyHaynner I know about this neighbor ;D
2018-10-31 00:00:24
Well I do have quite a short memory
2018-10-31 00:00:45
SKADOOPY what about ya? any Plans?
2018-10-31 00:33:01
Probabily going to the academy, they want to do some small party at class. Altought Im going to work there rather than partying.
2018-10-31 02:52:07
I'm editing a speech for college, and probably gonna procrastinate and watch whatever horror film I can find.
2018-10-31 05:29:49
I'm gonna ***** tea while sat on the sofa scratching my balls like any true brit ?
2018-10-31 10:26:41
@RoyHaynner I saw that! It looks great :) You have a very smooth style. As for my plans I'm going to be spending the day with my boyfriend and his roommates, playing board games and watching scary movies :D
2018-10-31 18:48:23
I haven't celebrated Halloween since 4th grade back in 2004.
2018-10-31 19:07:36
Its not a Hollyday in Czech republic sadly... Skadoopy sounds like fun, even tho I can relate more with Blinx1287 plan And thanks- you do have quite nice drawings too- theres bit of work yet to be made on colloring... its strange comparing it to your older picture the shading looks bit rushed- like zazas and Faenari does have that scheme... but Machi and Belona looks like if you forgot add the shadows- the skin does look flat... Sorry I feel like a dick thanking you for nice words and criticizing you... You do have nice faces and honestly amazing colouring on hairs
2018-11-01 03:58:42
I got to be a disgruntled Walmart employee does that count? Aside from that we got some actual legit pizza today thanks to work treating us to it.
2018-11-01 05:56:36
Pizza! I wanna change my plans and relate more to Zattou! Ill get some on way from school- and later probably return to Blinx1287 and scratch my balls at evening :D
2018-11-01 23:00:50
@RoyHaynner Oh not at all! I appreciate the critique! Yeah I have some things to figure out on coloring still, and trying to get the skin to have more shape. Any advice on how I could get that to pop? :)
2018-11-01 23:06:56
Gimme sec
2018-11-01 23:16:00
this does show how I did it... I do have still the same technique, just more layers
2018-11-01 23:18:06
Icant believe its year since I drawed that... lol- Skadoopy what about colaboration ? I can send you line for colouring or you can send one to me... I did sended PM to ya
2018-10-05 16:43:01
hope you will get better. and your gallery and works are good. keep drawing
2018-10-05 23:22:59
Thank you :) That really means a lot!
2018-10-06 09:34:50
And do not be sad if anyone give bad comments to your works. Need help to draw anythink, just ask. Shall help if iI can.
2018-10-06 13:05:17
Will do :) Yeah after drawing for as many years as I have I've learned to deal with hate haha. Thank you so much for your support!
2018-10-06 14:20:26
your welcome
2018-09-24 23:20:19
Surprise, you are not the only one XD
2018-09-25 00:21:15
Yay! I have found a sister! :D
2018-09-25 02:42:34
As if it were a Sadomasochism tag XD
2018-09-25 05:34:42
I miss the times when I had a gf and I could yell YOU'RE FUCKING A WHITE MALE to cheer her up whenever she wasn't feeling well x) (if you don't get the reference, shame on your booberoos!)
2018-09-25 06:50:20
Hahahahahaha my boyfriend and I make jokes like that to each other all the time, he's Asian and I'm white so most of the time it's him doing it to me lmao.
2018-09-25 13:39:34
All my fellow women are bisexual! Nice to see it this, I love polls and getting to know people
2018-09-25 21:51:32
Me too! :) Wonderful gallery btw ^^
2018-09-26 17:16:03
Lilac - duh, bi girls are the best :D
2018-09-23 09:05:15
I am waiting when I see your drawings
2018-09-23 09:22:35
I can show you some of my drawings in dm's, or if you know if there's a way to upload things to my gallery to show some of my drawings as reference that would be really helpful!
2018-09-23 11:33:33
I'm not an artist, but probably on the menu upload files
2018-09-23 11:41:19
Oh Christ I didn't even notice that XD Haha, I'm dumb. Thank you!